
Team Germany

Christian Katzenbach

Christian Katzenbach is a professor of media and communication studies at the University of Bremen and an associated member of the HIIG Berlin. He is a principal investigator of the project and leads the “Shaping AI”-consortium.

Anna Jobin

Anna Jobin is a senior researcher at the HIIG Berlin and participates in the consortium lead of the project. She is a board member of the Swiss STS Association, an elected member of the Swiss Young Academy, and presides over the Swiss extra-parliamentary Federal Media Commission.

Laura Liebig

Laura Liebig is a researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Bremen and an associated member of the HIIG Berlin. She graduated in media and communication science, political science (B.A.) as well as Digital Media and Society (M.A.) at the University of Bremen.

Alessa Eggeling

Alessa Eggeling is a student assistant at the ZeMKI in the Lab “Platform Governance, Media, and Technology” under Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach. She holds a BA in Communication Science and is now studying for a Master’s degree in “Media Culture and Globalization” at the University of Bremen.

Licinia Güttel

Licinia Güttel is a student assistant at the HIIG Berlin. She studies Franco-German Political and Social Sciences at the Free University Berlin and the European campus of Sciences Po Paris (double B.A.). She is a recipient of the American Stephen M. Kellen Foundation and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

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